91 Graphs

by aleczandru

92 Release candidate for Graph 4.4

by Ivan Johansen

93 Closed: Mac

by Balthazar

94 Closed: Strange Bug in Graph

by James

95 Closed: Differentiating mod()

by James

96 Closed: Multiple Axes

by James

97 Closed: Feature Suggestion

by James

98 Closed: Graphing Real Number Lines

by ArcherSam

99 Closed: .grf file format

by JMGrape

100 Closed: Graphing Inequalties

by ArcherSam

101 Closed: tangent in nbd of critical points

by odgreat

102 Closed: pzthon 3.2 incompatibility

by MRA

104 Closed: Brazilian Portuguese translation

by Aldemar

105 Closed: Swedish translation

by mbipsen

106 Closed: Saving more settings

by pimvdb

107 Closed: Set 1:1-zoom as standard

by Krodo

109 Closed: More Calculate windows?

by pin

110 Closed: keyboard shortcuts

by kamashtakeen

112 Closed: Optional "Recent files" number

by pin

113 Closed: excel compatible in 4.4

by superzip

114 Closed: group feature

by superzip

115 Closed: Graph 4.4 problem

by basket687

116 Closed: measuring tools !

by omeid

117 Closed: 3 extensions of functionality

by victor

119 Closed: Create a new window

by acichy