332 Closed: Mac - can't show the font

by line.andresen

333 Closed: Bolder lines for axes?

by edwardsm

334 Closed: problems with large text file

by maiert

337 Closed: change the scale in axes

by Christineatss

339 Closed: Arrows on x and y axis

by gratcliff

340 Closed: Graphing trouble!

by Guillo100

341 Closed: Graph and Word

by doug

342 Closed: 4.4 Image doesn't open in Word

by doug

343 Closed: Does not zoom in on my mouse position

by dave1235

344 Closed: Independent Variable

by popkruse

345 Closed: point series format

by osamadalia

346 Closed: Cannot load the program

by Lifschitz

347 Closed: Custom Trendlines

by James

348 Closed: Title Placement

by BrandonFlorida

349 Closed: Calculating the remainder

by finnboy11

350 Closed: Sin equation

by apalkewick

351 Closed: Cubic Root

by 110198

352 Closed: Animate a tangent

by pimvdb

353 Closed: Show values on the graph

by jsambrook

354 Closed: Window Values

by parthasharma

355 Closed: Not able to insert tangents

by parthasharma

357 Closed: error for exponential regression

by Wednes13

359 Closed: Graph in a small window

by bahaud

360 Closed: holes of a function

by 325172237