Topic: Cannot load the program

While trying to load Graph 4.4 on one of my computers and I had the following error message:
Set up unable to create directory  "C:\Program Files\Graph"   Error 5:   Access denied

I was able to load it on another computer.  Any suggestions?

I have been using your graphing software for years and greatly appreciate it.  It is easy to use.  Thank you very much for making it available to the public free of charge.

Re: Cannot load the program

Please verify that your Windows account has administrator rights or that you run the setup as admin.

Re: Cannot load the program

It is most likely because you don't have write access to C:\Program Files. You can install Graph in another directory you have access to or right click on the installer and select Run as administrator to ensure that you have access to C:\Program Files.

Re: Cannot load the program

Thank you so much.

This time I opened the administrator and loaded the file from there.

It worked!

Thank you again!