p71rock wrote:1) I want to graph them say in blue, solid line [like my book Sullivan Precallculus 8e] showing the limit not used in red dashed line.
When plotting a function you can choose a color, e.g. blue. If you want to indicate an asymptote, you can plot that as a separate function with a red color and a dashed line style.
p71rock wrote:2) also need to graph functions that are x=y is there a way?
From the FAQ:
Q: How do I plot a function x=f(y)?
A: To draw a function with y as the independent variable, you need to use a parametric function. Select Parametric function as function type when adding the function. If you want to draw the function x=sin(y), you can now enter the function as x(t)=sin(t), y(t)=t. Alternatively you can draw it as a relation where you can enter x=sin(y) directly.