Topic: Graph 4.5 Beta - Display bugs
I have encountered two display bugs in that beta build 545, using Windows 7 64-bit and up to date, Python 3.2 32-bit.
Points won't appear when I load a file, no matter the size of the marker. Markers are shown in the legend, but not in the graph itself, see attached screenshot. I have tried:
-changing the marker size to 0 and then back to 2 and 5. Still no markers.
-adding a new point series with markers. Still no markers.
-Attempting the Graph.Redraw() function in the console. Still no markers.
-Closing and reopening the file. Still no markers.
On some files, upon loading, I see two sets of axes, see attached screenshot. I can work around that bug by changing the zoom and getting back to the original zoom, even through Undo. Some files never get that bug. Another file showed it on 8 out of 10 tries at opening-closing the file.
I hope this helps.