Topic: Graph 4.5 Beta - Display bugs

I have encountered two display bugs in that beta build 545, using Windows 7 64-bit and up to date, Python 3.2 32-bit.

Points won't appear when I load a file, no matter the size of the marker. Markers are shown in the legend, but not in the graph itself, see attached screenshot. I have tried:
-changing the marker size to 0 and then back to 2 and 5. Still no markers.
-adding a new point series with markers. Still no markers.
-Attempting the Graph.Redraw() function in the console. Still no markers.
-Closing and reopening the file. Still no markers.

On some files, upon loading, I see two sets of axes, see attached screenshot. I can work around that bug by changing the zoom and getting back to the original zoom, even through Undo. Some files never get that bug. Another file showed it on 8 out of 10 tries at opening-closing the file.

I hope this helps.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Axis display bug.png 177.21 kb, 482 downloads since 2013-01-30 

Attachment icon Points display bug.png 170.66 kb, 455 downloads since 2013-01-30 

Re: Graph 4.5 Beta - Display bugs

I don't seem to be able to reproduce the problem with two axes. Could you please attach the grf file where you can reproduce it often?

I have however fixed the problem with point series not shown. You can find it in the new beta version:

I have also made some memory optimizations for large point series, so if you use the trick with setting Max undo steps to 0, I think Graph can handle a point series with a million points.

Re: Graph 4.5 Beta - Display bugs

Here's the file, I just checked that it still does the display bug. I hope it can be reproduced on another machine.

I'll download the new Beta and try big point series again.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Convectrons.grf 56.91 kb, 797 downloads since 2013-02-01 

4 (edited by GraphUser3546 2013-02-02 00:03:55)

Re: Graph 4.5 Beta - Display bugs

I have tried "Set Undo steps to 0" with the new build 546 with large amounts of data. Working with a single instance of Graph opened at a given time, I have done the following list of operations (operations are described below):

a-c-d -> EEFFACE error
a-d -> EEFFACE error
a-b-d -> EEFFACE error
a-b-e-d -> OK
a-c-b-e-d -> OK

a- loading 1.3 million points, from a tabulation separated floats .txt file (39Mb)
b- saving the file
c- altering the data through a Python script (it changes the x-coordinate of all points, clears the old series, adds the modified series, changes axes)
d- Changing the name of the series or any other attribute, or one coordinate of a single point in the series
e- Closing and reloading the file.

It seems like closing and reopening the file has a beneficial effect on getting rid of the EEFFACE error after a memory-extensive operation. EDIT: I forgot to mention, I can alter the axes anytime without problems within these tests.

I hope this helps.

Re: Graph 4.5 Beta - Display bugs

GraphUser3546 wrote:

Here's the file, I just checked that it still does the display bug. I hope it can be reproduced on another machine.

Thanks. I can reproduce the problem now. I will fix it as soon as possible. For now you can press F5 to update the view when you see the problem.

GraphUser3546 wrote:

a- loading 1.3 million points, from a tabulation separated floats .txt file (39Mb)

I think 1.3 million points are too much. At least I couldn't make it work with 1.2 million either, however I could make it work with 1.0 million points.

Re: Graph 4.5 Beta - Display bugs

Agreed, that's a lot of points. But still, with closing and re-opening the file, I can work around the error. Sincerely, it is very impressive considering Microsoft Excel can only graph 65k points.


Re: Graph 4.5 Beta - Display bugs

I have now fixed the problem with a second set of axes showing. You can find it in the beta version at:

Thank you for the help in solving this.

Re: Graph 4.5 Beta - Display bugs

I can confirm, the two axes sets problem seems fixed.


Ivan Johansen wrote:

Thank you for the help in solving this.

and you're welcome.