1 (edited by nortonka83 2022-04-22 10:25:10)

Topic: How to draw new spirals from existing spirals


I want to know how I can draw new spirals from existing spirals. I tried the Sum function which repeats the drawing,
but nothing happened.

Is there a way to redraw a function from an old function?
Is it possible to draw a new function from an existing function, and if so, how can I do this by changing the parameters?

Attachments have been shared in the appropriate forum.

Thanks for the help!

Post's attachments

euler.JPG, 12.92 kb, 320 x 180
euler.JPG 12.92 kb, 350 downloads since 2022-04-16 

2 (edited by mikk0384 2022-05-29 03:22:18)

Re: How to draw new spirals from existing spirals

I'm not sure this is what you are looking for, but you can swap the constants you need to change regularly out with variables that you define under "Custom functions/constants" (ctrl+F).

It's much easier to keep track of a named variable in that list than finding the right value to change in the formulas every time, and the named variables are shared across functions so you only have to change the value once instead of once for each of the functions.

3 (edited by nortonka83 2022-09-08 11:48:16)

Re: How to draw new spirals from existing spirals

I'm looking for a formula that draws several spirals when typed in, as you can see in the picture.
It goes without saying that several spirals can be represented if the figures are drawn separately and flipped one by one.
But it would be best to draw with a function. Probably the Euler-Maclaurin summary formula
maybe it would solve the problem if we applied it.
The internal properties of the spirals are thus determined by an internal function of the curvature factor dt/ds. I don't know how to give him that long formula. But it is also likely that a different summation formula is needed.

It would be advisable to use two solutions that can be used to solve things that, unfortunately, I only partially know about.
The sum function is again suitable for drawing functions iteratively, the only problem is that the function is an integer
returns a value, and you need fractional values here, otherwise the spiral will appear piecemeal. Another
option would be the range function.
The use of the individual functions was familiar only with the key combination, for which I thank you very much in retrospect, and of course also for the help.