Topic: Multiple axes


I was wondering if there is any way to make multiple axes in Graph. I´ve uploaded a basic scheme of what I mean.
Btw, I´ve already readed some Q&A about this, but I´m hoping there is a better way to do it than make a point series.

Thanks for any response.

P.S. Sorry for the quality of the photo, It was made in hurry

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Attachment icon multiple axes question.png 30.21 kb, 254 downloads since 2019-12-16 

Re: Multiple axes

I have multiple axes om my todo list, but it is not easy to implement.

You might be able to use a vertical function or point series to simulate a second axis, but unfortunately it is not a very good solution.

Re: Multiple axes

Thanks for reply

Re: Multiple axes

hoping this example would be right

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Example.jpg 298.21 kb, 203 downloads since 2021-02-27 

Re: Multiple axes

more explanatory

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Attachment icon Example2.jpg 355.84 kb, 229 downloads since 2021-02-27 

Re: Multiple axes

I can't open this file sad