Topic: Sliders, color improvement, scaling axis and 3D graphing

Graph is one of the greatest graphing softwares I've ever seen, and I'm truly thankful for all of it.

My suggestions goes as follows:
- I believe sliders would be a great thing to change constants in a function. It would make changing them more natural, smooth and simple;
- Adding a color tool to enable users to change the color of functions, points, etc. to any possible one, or simply adding new natural-looking colors, like the ones in GeoGebra, which are essentially "Pastel colors".
- The axis cannot be scaled directly. There is not a setting to scale by 1:100, for example, or any user-defined scale.
- It would be truly interesting to have 3D graphing. The only app I know that does this efficiently is Quick Graph for IOS (iPhone)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 3d graph.jpg 32.47 kb, 259 downloads since 2021-01-17 

color tool.png, 24.09 kb, 502 x 416
color tool.png 24.09 kb, 413 downloads since 2021-01-17 

scalling axis.png, 1.97 kb, 324 x 112
scalling axis.png 1.97 kb, 431 downloads since 2021-01-17 

slider.png, 2.49 kb, 408 x 95
slider.png 2.49 kb, 414 downloads since 2021-01-17 

Re: Sliders, color improvement, scaling axis and 3D graphing

pedrokrause wrote:

- I believe sliders would be a great thing to change constants in a function. It would make changing them more natural, smooth and simple;

Yes, I think I have it on my todo list. I hope some day to get the time to get it implemented.

pedrokrause wrote:

- Adding a color tool to enable users to change the color of functions, points, etc. to any possible one, or simply adding new natural-looking colors, like the ones in GeoGebra, which are essentially "Pastel colors".

If you select Custom in the color list, you will be able to choose between 256 colors. It could probably be improved. I might look into that some time.

pedrokrause wrote:

- The axis cannot be scaled directly. There is not a setting to scale by 1:100, for example, or any user-defined scale.

You can set the axes ranges in the Edit|Axes dialog.

pedrokrause wrote:

- It would be truly interesting to have 3D graphing. The only app I know that does this efficiently is Quick Graph for IOS (iPhone)

Unfortunately I don't think I will ever get the time to get 3D implemented. It will require a major redesign.