Topic: Import point series - deselect all

I'm using Graph with "Import point series" with multicolumn datafiles. I need to use few columns simultaneously (1-10), but file contains about 150 columns. So i need to use quick deselect all and select only the requested few. Is "deselect all" option/function available already?

Re: Import point series - deselect all

I have attached a plugin I created for another user. It works with the beta version of Graph 4.5 found at

You can install it by from the Plugin Manager found under the menu Plugin.

It will make it possible to right click on an item in the function list and select Disable all but this.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Disable all but 639 b, 485 downloads since 2020-12-14 

Re: Import point series - deselect all

It will make it possible to right click on an item in the function list and select Disable all but this.

Thank you , the plugin works good. But the Graph 4.5 works slower then 4.4.2 on my old Core2Duo + Win7-32.
The problem: when i try to load my data-file, the program builds all graphs before i deselect each one. It requests a period of time - for 4.5 Beta it is longer, than 4.4.2.I suppose, the solution could be to make an option "Start with unselected". It could help more effective/quick on old computers.
Thank again for "Disable all but this" -it works perfectly.

Re: Import point series - deselect all

Could you maybe send me the data file you are using? Then I will try to make it faster. I actually didn't think Graph 4.5 was slower, but on the other hand I probably never tested with so big a file.

5 (edited by vlad074 2020-12-27 19:24:36)

Re: Import point series - deselect all

Ivan Johansen wrote:

Could you maybe send me the data file you are using? Then I will try to make it faster. I actually didn't think Graph 4.5 was slower, but on the other hand I probably never tested with so big a file.

Sorry for the delay. Site rejects file upload - system report: "The selected file was too large to upload. The server didn't allow the upload."
File size is 4463Kb zipped, 14.185Kb.
Can i send file to you directly?
UPD: file has been sent 27.12.2020 to your forum email, message subj "Import point series - deselect all - forum topic. Data file"