Topic: Graph Help on Vista

Some of my students are having difficulties because when they download Graph onto a Windows Vista system, the Graph Help is not compatible with Vista (for some reason).

Any thoughts/solutions on this?

Rich Beveridge

Re: Graph Help on Vista

The easiest is probably to use the beta version of Graph 4.4 which has a help file that is compatible with Windows Vista. The alternative is to install WinHlp32 manually. You can also find the manual online:

Re: Graph Help on Vista

Thanks very much!

4 (edited by Dilek 2010-05-26 20:40:29)

Re: Graph Help on Vista

There may be another solution. I am also using the beta version on Windows 7 and Vista. You can right click on the program on the opening new screen click on the compatibility. Try as it is in the attached image...

Post's attachments

Capture.PNG, 78.54 kb, 388 x 548
Capture.PNG 78.54 kb, 622 downloads since 2010-05-26 

Re: Graph Help on Vista

is any facilities available for drivers also, for ex: we make xp driver compatible with vista