Topic: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

please help me
i hope you add  generate the median curve of all selected curves

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 2018-03-02_232030 - Copy.png 68.8 kb, 359 downloads since 2018-03-04 

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

I am a little unsure if you just want a dialog where you can evaluate the sum of the point series or if you want to plot a function?
In your example all the point series are strait lines. Is that always the case? I.e. do the point series always contain only two points?

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

Ivan Johansen wrote:

I am a little unsure if you just want a dialog where you can evaluate the sum of the point series or if you want to plot a function?
In your example all the point series are strait lines. Is that always the case? I.e. do the point series always contain only two points?

i want to plot afunction
all cases of point sieres i explain it in the following image

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 2018-03-05_194522.png 128.7 kb, 381 downloads since 2018-03-05 

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

Thanks for the explanation.

I have attached a plugin, which should do what you want. You need to place the file in the Plugins folder where Graph is installed. You also need to install Python 3.2 from … -3.2.5.msi

Now you should see a menu item called Plugins|Sum of point series. It will create a function that adds all point series together.

Please let me know if this works as you expected.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 883 b, 668 downloads since 2018-03-06 

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

this is the screen

Post's attachments

2018-03-07_014151.png, 48.2 kb, 501 x 216
2018-03-07_014151.png 48.2 kb, 643 downloads since 2018-03-07 

6 (edited by ahmed 2018-03-07 04:35:27)

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

thank you sir  thank you very very very very much
yes it work exactly what i want
only three notes
it select all funtions automatic if you can make me choose    this will be beter  if not no problem
it plot afunction  but icant get  the points   if you can make me get it,s points as atable this will be beter  if not no problem
the x range  is the common range  not full x range please please make it full x rang

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 2018-03-07_033107.png 32.9 kb, 342 downloads since 2018-03-07 

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

I have attached an updated version of the plugin. It will now allow you to select the point series you want to add. It will also add the full range and create a point series instead of a function.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 2.27 kb, 641 downloads since 2018-03-08 

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

excellent 100%
thank you very very very much
yo do all of every thing  exactly
thank you thankyou  thank you

9 (edited by ahmed 2018-03-08 19:11:37)

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

new update has losted  point of y

it seems the problem in the end
in this type of sieres

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 2018-03-08_172443.png 39.86 kb, 365 downloads since 2018-03-08 

Attachment icon 2018-03-08_174629.png 29.81 kb, 342 downloads since 2018-03-08 

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

Unfortunately I am not able to reproduce the problem. Could you please attach the grf file you use so I can reproduce it?

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

this the graph files

Post's attachments

Attachment icon losted y of the end.grf 1.39 kb, 654 downloads since 2018-03-09 

Attachment icon losted y.grf 1.91 kb, 643 downloads since 2018-03-09 

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

Thanks. I can reproduce the problem now. It turns out it is a rounding problem, so the plugin was calculating the y-coordinate a little to the right of the point and therefore missed the value of the point.

I have attached a fixed version of the plugin.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 2.33 kb, 658 downloads since 2018-03-10 

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

still the problem

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

Can you still reproduce the problem with the two grf files you attached?

Are you sure you use the plugin I attached in the last message and not a previous version?

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

yes of course i do it and problem is still
i hope you do to help me know what is the problem
if the problem solved with you but still with me i will remove program and reinstall it again

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

sorry sir i find what problem it is very strange
if i rename the last update as the name of the first release exact the problem finish
now i can say the last update working 100%
thank you very very much

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

I am glad it works for you now.

I am a little unsure what you did, but I just noticed that the file doesn't work if the file name contains spaces or non-english characters. I will need to fix that.

Re: i hope you add generate the median curve of all selected curves

when i download it  the browser give it automatic the same name of the first release  but add new mumber 1 . 2.3 and so on
this number was the problem 
when you take it copy paste in  plugins folder  it dosent work but the previous update  working instead of the final update but i didnot note that till you wonder from me

Post's attachments

13255022182.gif, 68.33 kb, 397 x 275
13255022182.gif 68.33 kb, 605 downloads since 2018-03-12