Topic: Endpoints of individual segments in the FLOOR function

Is there a way to put endpoints on each segment of the ROUND-DOWN or FLOOR function?  Of course I can put the endpoints for the beginning and ending of the argument.  For teaching purposes, however, the visible endpoints on each step of the graph would be helpful.

Re: Endpoints of individual segments in the FLOOR function

Unfortunately there is no easy way to add end points to each segment. I am afraid the easiest way is to create a point series and manually enter the coordinate of each point.

Re: Endpoints of individual segments in the FLOOR function

whee525 wrote:

Is there a way to put endpoints on each segment of the FLOOR function?

You can do this by adding another FLOOR function with the following setting:
Steps = x_max - x_min + 1    and    Draw type = Dots.

Note that both x_min and x_max must be integers.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Endpoints_floor.grf 1.12 kb, 465 downloads since 2017-07-02 

Re: Endpoints of individual segments in the FLOOR function

whee525 wrote:

Is there a way to put endpoints on each segment of the ROUND-DOWN function?

Please see the attached file.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Endpoints_01.grf 3.88 kb, 443 downloads since 2017-07-02