Topic: Finding

When I use Graph,my own colors have not confirmation,and you can not use dual powers
(a^(b^c).Composition is lenghty.You know how I mean it.But I know it is used a little.Graphes
I like and more than in Maxim.

My settings:

Post's attachments

Gr2.jpg, 18.69 kb, 250 x 303
Gr2.jpg 18.69 kb, 664 downloads since 2017-05-29 

Re: Finding

I am sorry, but I have no idea what you mean by "have not confirmation".

Functions like a^(b^c) should work. Do you have an example that doesn't work correctly?

Re: Finding

Clicking on the square does not see the select  confirmation,and there is not second boost for the description.Is it an incomplete version?

Post's attachments

colors.jpg, 11.6 kb, 215 x 167
colors.jpg 11.6 kb, 666 downloads since 2017-05-30 

mocnění.jpg, 21.7 kb, 458 x 194
mocnění.jpg 21.7 kb, 664 downloads since 2017-05-30 

Re: Finding

The problem seems to be that I never tested Graph with the high contrast theme with black windows. I can now see that it causes problems when the GUI uses a black square for selection and black icons.

I will try to improve this, but for now you may want to use a theme that doesn't use black windows.

Post's attachments

Screen Shot 2017-05-30 at 13.19.59.png, 16.21 kb, 548 x 324
Screen Shot 2017-05-30 at 13.19.59.png 16.21 kb, 655 downloads since 2017-05-30 

5 (edited by T.dimenz.7 2017-05-30 22:28:44)

Re: Finding

Squares are visibles,but they do not show a click change.In text editor
,you can not smash as it is in the black frame.The pink (x)was put into
the later.It takes a long time,and it is working with the charakter size.

Post's attachments

exp2.jpg, 114.52 kb, 544 x 539
exp2.jpg 114.52 kb, 623 downloads since 2017-05-30 

Re: Finding

I am not sure what you mean by click change and smash. Maybe it would help if you attach the grf-file so I can se what you are doing.

7 (edited by T.dimenz.7 2017-05-31 22:06:02)

Re: Finding

Can not insert (x).

Step 1 (e^(2-e   )/x^2

Step 2      x      Insert (x) than,it takes a long time.And /x^2 too.

I have to use this procedure?

Post's attachments

Bez názvu-001.jpg, 54.69 kb, 549 x 319
Bez názvu-001.jpg 54.69 kb, 629 downloads since 2017-05-31 

Re: Finding

The Text label dialog is basically an embedded version of WordPad. Therefore you cannot use superscript in several levels. However you can use Equation Editor if you have it installed. It comes with Microsoft Office. Select the Insert object tool button and choose Microsoft Equation.

9 (edited by T.dimenz.7 2017-06-01 10:29:37)

Re: Finding


Otherwise I have to spend the time of step 1 ....step n.

By wiewing the forum I can see that Graph has better use than I know.

Sorry,I do not understand English very well.

Re: Finding

Yes, Graph doesn't have anything for writing nice mathematical equation. If you don't have Microsoft Office, you can install the free version of MathType from

Microsoft Equation Editor is basically an old version of MathType. You can use the Insert object tool button to insert MathType objects like with Equation Editor.

Post's attachments

Step1.png, 25.47 kb, 476 x 305
Step1.png 25.47 kb, 650 downloads since 2017-06-01 

Step2.png, 39.7 kb, 588 x 433
Step2.png 39.7 kb, 688 downloads since 2017-06-01 

Step3.png, 19.75 kb, 579 x 355
Step3.png 19.75 kb, 643 downloads since 2017-06-01 

11 (edited by T.dimenz.7 2017-06-02 08:15:15)

Re: Finding

Beautiful equations do not need to write every day,but still thanks for your help.