Topic: acot arccot

Dear Graph Forums,
I read the Post regarding acot, and the link to the textbook treatment.
Is there a way though to display acot with the Range [0, π]?

I am helping my son with his TRIG, and find his textbook lacking in many ways.
Your software (thank you) has been a help to me in this regard.

Thank You,

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Attachment icon Graphs 6 Inverse Trig Func.grf 2.37 kb, 450 downloads since 2016-06-22 

Re: acot arccot

Yes, you can use the if function like this: f(x)=if(acot x<0, acot x + pi, acot x)
For easier use, you can add my_acot(x)=if(acot x<0, acot x + pi, acot x) to the Function|Custom functions/constants dialog. Then you can plot the function as f(x)=my_acot(x)

Re: acot arccot

You can also use the expression pi/2 - atan(x).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon acot2.grf 4.64 kb, 458 downloads since 2016-06-23