Topic: fractional power
I found a problem in excel calculation, but I surprised when realized that graph has not that mistake and calculates exactly.
The problem is (-2)^(2/3).
It has a answer: 1.58
But when I input =(-2)^(2/3) or =POWER(-2,(2/3)) in MS-Excel, it return #NUM! Error.
We should use this formula: =((-2)^2)^(1/3) OR =((-2)^(1/3))^2 to have a true answer.
But Graph draw a true answer in all above conditions. In other hand it return a point table with imaginary part: -0.7937+1.3747i
f(x)=(-2)^(2/3) ===> a line with y=1.58
Evaluation Table output: -0.7937+1.3747i