Topic: Semi Logarithmic graph

Hi Ivan,

Version 4.4.2, build 543

Graph is awesome! I sent an email to graph@ with captures --  I'm making a semi-log graph (X = linear, Y = log) and see the logarithm Y axis grid has 9 grid divisions, I think it should be 10? Am I confused?

Brian Lowe
Greer SC, USA

Re: Semi Logarithmic graph

9 divisions are the most common. Try to do a search for semilogarithmic paper on Google.

Re: Semi Logarithmic graph

Thanks for the fast reply. It seems I'm confusing the "between numbers" on semi-log paper (see 10 sub-increments between 1 and 2 in the picture) with the major logarithmic steps.

Post's attachments

Semilog.jpg, 20.37 kb, 211 x 473
Semilog.jpg 20.37 kb, 621 downloads since 2013-11-24 

Re: Semi Logarithmic graph

Your confusion is that your example has 3 levels of lines while Graph only uses 2. Notice the lines with the numbers. There are 9 lines from 1 to 1.

Re: Semi Logarithmic graph

Yes, you are right. I finally decided to go with linear so it's easier to interpret.

Thanks again!