Topic: Local (vs Global) "Complex Number Format"
Hello, Ivan:
At present "Complex Number Format" is a global attribute under "Options" menu. Is it a major development time commitment and effort to give us the capability of a local such attribute in "Label" (much like font options)? You have provide "%()" to implement an eval embedded in the "Label's" text string; I was thinking of some options akin to the functionality of C's printf() format string "%s". I need the ability to display both polar and rectilinear formats respectively in same as well as different labels (as we are currently teaching circuit analysis and power in the phasor domain). Apologies in advance if I failed to find an existing post addressing this question. BTW, while I am interested in your response, I am currently using this workaround: set the global attribute to rectilinear and have a "Label" string like "%(Zline) = %( abs(Zline) )/_%( arg(Zline) )°" Many thanks.