1 (edited by TAB 2013-08-13 18:53:35)

Topic: wrong function calculation?

The attached file shows 2 functions, ff and gg, which are identical except for a factor aa which is 0.96, close to 1: ff=k*x^3/sqrt(((aa*x^2-ab)*x^2+1)^2+(hh*x*(1-x^2))^2);
gg=k*x^3/sqrt(((x^2-ab)*x^2+1)^2+(hh*x*(1-x^2))^2).  (The constants aa, ab... are defined under ^f.)
Yet, the functions look quite different.
Their values calculated (outside of Graph) at x=1 are 0.970 and 0.999 respectively --far from the values (about 4 and 20) shown by Graph.
Can anyone find a mistake I made? Or, does Graph (ver.4.4.2) not evaluate them correctly?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon CoupRepTst.grf 3.18 kb, 578 downloads since 2013-08-13 

Re: wrong function calculation?

The only mistake I can see is your anticipation of 0.970 and 0.999 values. Try to plot f(x)=Den(x)/De(x) and consider its value for x=1.
Outside of Graph you might have evaluated a function modified in some unwanted manner.