Topic: Shading

When I save as a PDF file, some of the shading comes out as solid instead all as hatched. Please can you help.

Re: Shading

I am afraid I need more information to reproduce the problem. Could you for example attach a grf file that demonstrates the problem?

Re: Shading

This is what the graph looks like when I shade it between the function and the x-axis, from 1 to 2, and then save it as a pdf file. The area is hatched all over as a grf file.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 63.pdf 259.79 kb, 595 downloads since 2013-02-08 

Re: Shading

I can see the problem in the pdf file, but I am not able to reproduce it. Do you mind also attaching the grf file so I hopefully will be able to reproduce the problem?