1 (edited by Darius 2012-09-24 04:39:30)

Topic: Compiling Graph


I would like to use Graph for a school project. Right now I'm just trying to figure out how to compile Graph; I am using Embarcadero RAD Studio with C++ Builder 2010. When I try to compile, it says that there are several missing header files.

This is actually my first time using C++ Builder (though I have a strong background with C++). Would anyone be able to assist me? I would like to be able to compile Graph and contribute to the project with my group. I don't mind if I use an older version of Graph.

Thank you

Re: Compiling Graph

Unfortunately I cannot help you with C++ Builder 2010. I am using C++ Builder XE and older versions may lack some necessary features.

3 (edited by Darius 2012-09-25 14:09:20)

Re: Compiling Graph

Thank you for your response. I obtained C++ Builder XE2, and now when I try to compile I get the error "[ILINK32 ERROR] Fatal: Unable to open file BCBATL.LIB"
Any suggestions by any chance?

Re: Compiling Graph

That file seems to be missing in C++ Builder XE2. However I have recently copied it to the Libraries\atl folder in the repository.

Re: Compiling Graph

It compiled with no errors now, thanks!
But when I try to run it I get an error message saying "Cannot run project unless a host application is defined. Use Run|Parameters... dialog box"
What file am I supposed to put in that parameter? I am running on 64-bit Windows 7 if it makes a difference...

Re: Compiling Graph

I am unsure what you are doing, but I guess you have compiled the components or one of the libraries. You need to compile all the libraries and Graph itself.

Re: Compiling Graph

Sorry I have never used C++ Builder. In the project manager panel on the right, I can select different components like Graph.exe and Test.exe, and would click on the "activate" button and then compile.
When I "activate" Graph.exe or Test.exe I would get errors while trying to compile...how do I compile Graph properly?

Re: Compiling Graph

You activate Graph.exe and compile it.

Re: Compiling Graph

I get compile errors while doing so. Perhaps it needs XE to compile...
Thanks anyhow!

Re: Compiling Graph

It is very common that the code needs some adjustment to compile with a newer compiler.