Topic: Copying Image (Graph)

I'm trying to copy my graph into WordPerfect.  I have done this several times successfully with other graphs.  However, this time, when I go to paste my graph everything shows up except for the line of best fit.  I can't get it to work.  Help is appreciated.

Re: Copying Image (Graph)

The attached document is what I'm hoping to paste.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Assignment 3.grf 2.03 kb, 656 downloads since 2010-03-08 

3 (edited by Dilek 2010-03-08 20:09:54)

Re: Copying Image (Graph)

I was able to do it with microsoft word

Post's attachments

Attachment icon population.docx 20.45 kb, 668 downloads since 2010-03-08 

Attachment icon population.grf 2.2 kb, 636 downloads since 2010-03-08 

Re: Copying Image (Graph)

I will look into it, but I think it is because the line is too close to the x-axis, and apparently Graph does not handle that well when the axes are boxed. As a workaround I think you can set the Axes style to Crossed or add an offset to the y-axis. If you set Minimum for the y-axis to -10000 I think it will help.

I will look into fixing the problem in Graph.