Topic: How do I draw Dotted/Broken vertical lines?

I want to draw a dotted vertical line.

For example, I enter the relation x = 5.  It only shows up as a solid line, not dotted or broken.

Additionally, I need to draw a box (dotted sides) in my animation to draw the asymptotes for my hyperbola.

Any ideas?

As a note, I love your program.  I use it in class for demonstrations.  I have my students use it to create pictures using equations/inequalities.

Finally, is there a place/forum where users of GRAPH share their graphs/animations?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Hyperbola.grf 1.3 kb, 698 downloads since 2010-02-27 

Re: How do I draw Dotted/Broken vertical lines?

Unfortunately relations cannot be dotted. Instead you can use the parametric function x(t)=5, y(t)=t.

I think the easiest way to create a dotted box is to create a point series with a point in each corner and connect them with a dotted line. You can set the size of the markers to 0 to not show the markers. I have changed your file to show this.

There is not currently a place to share graphs with others. If there is an interest I can create another subforum for that purpose.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Hyperbola.grf 1.36 kb, 758 downloads since 2010-02-27 

Re: How do I draw Dotted/Broken vertical lines?

Thanks for the suggestions.
I think that I prefer the BOX approach in my Hyperbola graph; it's pretty simple.

On the other hand, I can use parametric equations for my dotted vertical lines in other applications.

Thanks again for your help.

Re: How do I draw Dotted/Broken vertical lines?

Yes, dido! Great program. I feel a sub forum for sharing graph files would be very helpful.