Why do not we have a facebook group? I searched for I however I was not able to find. That may be better to interact with other people faster and to advertise the software, too.
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Graph Forums → Development → FACEBOOK GROUP
Why do not we have a facebook group? I searched for I however I was not able to find. That may be better to interact with other people faster and to advertise the software, too.
Thank you
I think Michael Ipsen has created a Facebook group for Graph. But I don't use Facebook myself.!/pag … 7324724695
Here is the link.
I add some of the screenshots you prepared on the website to the facbook group and their descriptions. I can delete them whenever you want. I think people should know this program. I will advertise it on facebook with your permission ofcourse?
Thank you
That is fine by me. You may add all the screenshots you want.
Graph Forums → Development → FACEBOOK GROUP
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