Topic: command line

Hello everyone -

I've looked for this topic in other posts to the forum and couldn't find any contributions.  I'm brand new to GRAPH so this may be a much-asked question. 

At any rate, can Graph.exe be called with an argument such as file.grf?  I've played around with this, but got nowhere.  Maybe there is nowhere to go?  But, it just seems intuitive that one should be able to operate on a .grf file without having to go to the gui.

Mark Allyn

Re: command line

You can call Graph.exe with a .grf file as parameter to open the file in Graph. But you cannot manipulate the .grf file from the command line.

Re: command line


Thanks for the reply.  Can you tell me what the syntax for the command line invocation of graph.exe is if I want to operate on a .grf file? 

Mark Allyn

Re: command line

Hi again,

You may disregard my last post.  I found the answer to my own question.

GRAPH is an excellent product! 

The only improvement I can suggest is that in future the user be allowed to have more command line features so that GRAPH functions can be callable from the command line without using the GUI except for display. 

Mark Allyn

Re: command line

I think it might be possible when I get finished implementing support for plugins, though I don't think the command line is well suited for creating .grf files.