1 (edited by Unli 2011-10-24 14:17:45)

Topic: Label and Mouse

I have searched the forum but it seems there is no such topic.

I have upgraded from v4.0 to v4.3 (build 384), and a function seems "missing":

With 4.0 i could make appear a label near the mouse cursor and so choose the initial average emplacement of it.
In the Help of Graph 4.3, it seems this could be done either but... it just doesn't work.
The emplacement for the label always is/appears in the center of the screen, the mouse cursor just doesn't help. (and it is annoying to search it in the middle of the others!)

I tryed a few things (mouse-click before attempting a label, both buttons... Hold left or right button and press F8) but nothing does the magik!

Is it a bug or else ?

I checked with both version and here is the thing : In the 4.0.1 when you hit F8 or choose "Label" from the menu, it displays a "I" cursor to choose the position of it by cursor and a left click. But with 4.3, this fonction is not active. When you press F8 (or the other) the dialog box appears and we cannot choose the initial emplacement! It should i guess. (in the Help menu it tells that)


Re: Label and Mouse

This is made intentionally. The old behavior seemed to confuse a lot of people. So now the label is always placed at the center of the graphing area. You can always use the mouse to move it to another place.

3 (edited by Unli 2011-10-24 21:03:15)

Re: Label and Mouse

I understand that a lot of person can be confused about that. (i searched myself several minutes to understand the first time)
However, this fonction seems useful to place a lot of Labels easily. ("center label" is annoying for the advanced user)

I could suggest you to simply make an option in the label menu to "Use cursor to select label's location" for the old behavior because it seems very useful. (If it's an option, it will be understood rapidly by the advanced user searching for ergonomy. This will be written in the help menu.)

The Help menu describes the old behavior too. (it can confuse people searching for mouse - positionning labels in the Help... and they will tell "this doesn't work ?! WHyyyy On earth ?!!" lol)


Re: Label and Mouse

Well, you are the only one who seem to prefer the old behavior.  But I might some day make it optional. It is of course unfortunately that the help is wrong. Fortunately this has already been fixed in the beta version of Graph 4.4.

Re: Label and Mouse

Thank You for Graph!
