Topic: How to improve the image quality?

Hi All,

I have some problem using relations. (Graph 4.3 & Graph 4.4 Beta Build 498)

The attached file benice_1x.png is the output image in screen size.
It is OK except the image quality.

I try to save a larger image in custom size, but something is wrong with the image!
Please see benice_4x.png.

The problem occurs in all output image formats: emf, bmp, png, jpg.

The problem occurs in many .grf files. You may test with Forest's Edge.grf.

Could you please tell me how to improve the image quality when using relations?


Post's attachments

benice_1x.png, 14.32 kb, 681 x 681
benice_1x.png 14.32 kb, 571 downloads since 2011-06-25 

Attachment icon benice_4x.png 78.54 kb, 352 downloads since 2011-06-25 

Forest's Edge_1x.png, 5.44 kb, 610 x 610
Forest's Edge_1x.png 5.44 kb, 580 downloads since 2011-06-25 

Attachment icon Forest's Edge_2x.png 12.66 kb, 375 downloads since 2011-06-25 

Re: How to improve the image quality?

The reason is that Graph starts to decrease its accuracy when the image is more than 1200 pixels wide. This is done because it otherwise would take several hours to create a very large image as used when printing. I have now made a change in the beta version of Graph 4.4 so images with the size you are using are handled much better.

Re: How to improve the image quality?

Hi Ivan,

Thank you for your kind support!
It works fine when the image is not more than 2400 pixels wide.

I've got another question. Sorry for the hassle!
The speed of drawing graphics (displaying images on screen) is very slow in Graph!
Is it possible to run Graph 4.3 and Graph 4.4 on the same computer?

Re: How to improve the image quality?

Yes, you can have several versions of Graph installed at the same time in different folders, but only the last one will show up in the Start menu. You will have to add the other one manually.

The beta versions are always slower than the released versions. When Graph 4.4 is released it should not be slower than Graph 4.3.

I plan to implement another algorithm for plotting relations in Graph 4.5. Among other things I think it will solve the problem with large images.

Re: How to improve the image quality?

Hi Ivan,

Thank you for your kind and valuable reply.