Topic: "Integrate" Function

Hello, Ivan,

I have created an animation showing a vertical line segment sweeping from left to right across a normal probability distribution.  To show the cumulative area under the curve, I've used the "Integrate" function.  But, during the animation, all the viewer can see is a crude approximation of the area because the Integrate function just shows an increasing horizontal line -- and the y-intercept represents the cumulative area under the curve.  Is there any way to display the actual numerical value of the output of the Integrate function?  I don't believe I can, for example, create a label and then import a custom function into the label?  In other words, instead of the horizontal line pointing to, say, 0.625 on the y-axis, is there a way to display the actual number "0.625" somewhere on the graph?   Thanks for any help!


Post's attachments

Attachment icon animation - normal pdf.grf 111.85 kb, 711 downloads since 2015-08-18 

Re: "Integrate" Function

Yes, this is actually possible. Graph will evaluate an expression in a bracket after a %-sign. For example %(2+3*5) in a label will show 17. The smart thing is that you can write anything that you can write in a function. So if you put this in a label you will get what you want:


Re: "Integrate" Function

That is excellent, Ivan.  Thank you so much!!

By the way, I have used Graph in my teaching for almost 10 years and have never found a limitation with it; it does everything I have ever needed it to do, and no words can thank you enough for the benefit to my students!
