1 (edited by shredder05 2013-12-02 03:47:41)

Topic: Suggestion - Ability to set window size to specified pixel heightwidth

Here's my suggestion in picture form:

Just because sometimes I want to take a screenshot, and there's no way to save the size of the actual Graph window itself. The window size is just whatever the last size was.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon window.jpg 85.3 kb, 432 downloads since 2013-12-02 

Re: Suggestion - Ability to set window size to specified pixel heightwidth

Here is a trick:
If you install Python 3.2 (32 bit) from http://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.2.5/python-3.2.5.msi you will be able to press F11 inside Graph to get a Python console. In the Python console you can write:


3 (edited by frame_of_mind 2014-09-16 04:14:47)

Re: Suggestion - Ability to set window size to specified pixel heightwidth

Is there a way to set the dimensions of the graph area only and not the whole window? I want to control the dimensions of the output image. Thanks.

4 (edited by frame_of_mind 2014-09-16 04:20:17)

Re: Suggestion - Ability to set window size to specified pixel heightwidth

Figured it out. This is what worked for me. If you want the output image to be exactly x by y pixels then type:


Sometimes the palette splits into multiple lines. You will have to add 28 pixels to the height for every additional line forced by the palette.

Edit: I also just found that you can adjust the image dimensions in the "Save As..." dialog box. However, if you want to adjust the window then you have to use the Python commands.