Topic: File import (more than two rows)


For future developement you would also consider an enhancement of the file import property. Importing different type of files like xls, txt, csv with more than two columns would be really  very useful.

I attached an example file where a list of data and the graph can be found. I prepared it with excel.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon graph example.xls 33.5 kb, 929 downloads since 2010-02-26 

Re: File import (more than two rows)

xls is a proprietary format and is therefore very difficult to support. Graph can already import points from txt and csv with many columns. The first column must contain the x-coordinates and the other columns must contain y-coordinates. Graph will create a point series for each column with y-coordinates.

Re: File import (more than two rows)

Could you send me an example file to try because my txt files did  not work. Should  they be tab delimited or space or comma.

I want to translate the Help files, actually I already started to do it. English to Turksih. Is there a requirement?

Thank you very much

Re: File import (more than two rows)

OK I was able to do it with a txt file. This is great.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 1.txt 3 kb, 1084 downloads since 2010-02-26 

Attachment icon Graph from txt file.pdf 11.56 kb, 968 downloads since 2010-02-26 

Re: File import (more than two rows)

I have attached a tab delimited example file. I just copied the data from your file. But Graph can also handle files delimited by space, comma or semicolon.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Points.txt 3 kb, 1182 downloads since 2010-02-26 

Re: File import (more than two rows)

Your offer to translate Graph to Turkish is much appreciated. You can find a description of how to do it here: … /HowTo.txt

I better warn you that there is a lot of text to translate.

Re: File import (more than two rows)

I will check it is a bit complicated for me smile. If I will not be able to it, I can send you the translation. We will see.


Re: File import (more than two rows)

I have a suggestion for the import point series function.

It should treat consecutive delimiters as one. For example, say I have a text file like this:
1, 1
2, 4
3, 9
4, 16

ie. <number> <comma> <space> <number>

Lots of programs output files like this but they will not currently load in Graph.


Re: File import (more than two rows)

Where imported data represents a function of time... can GRAPG display each  x axis unit as text.

X values are single units of time in months beginning at 2009
Can each unit of x be display as   JAN FEB MAR...DEC... rather than 1, 2, 3... 12.

KMD Canada

Re: File import (more than two rows)

HWor wrote:

I have a suggestion for the import point series function.

It should treat consecutive delimiters as one. For example, say I have a text file like this:
ie. <number> <comma> <space> <number>

This actually sounds like an obvious idea. I have now implemented it in the beta version of Graph 4.4, so spaces after the comma is ignored. You can find it at

Re: File import (more than two rows)

kestrel wrote:

Where imported data represents a function of time... can GRAPG display each  x axis unit as text.

X values are single units of time in months beginning at 2009
Can each unit of x be display as   JAN FEB MAR...DEC... rather than 1, 2, 3... 12.

This is not currently possible in Graph. It might be supported in a future version, but I think you may need a spreadsheet instead of Graph.