Topic: Parallel line to already exist line !!

Hi  Every one,

It is really an amazing program to help you draw your graphs easily.
But there is a problem, How to make a parallel to an line .... I can't find any option in the program to do so. If there is a drag line option that will make parallel easily or even a function.

Thanks, and keep it up.

Re: Parallel line to already exist line !!

I am not sure what it is you want to do, but you can plot a line by entering its equation in the Function|Insert function dialog.

Re: Parallel line to already exist line !!

What I want to do is draw a parallel line to an existing line.

Re: Parallel line to already exist line !!

A line existing in Graph coordinate system has been expressed by a function. Common expression for a line looks like:
y = k*x + q
Two such functions with the same value of 'k' and different values of 'q' make two parallel lines. Use this principle
f(x)=(existing_number)*x + (any_number)
and can get a set of parallel lines.

Re: Parallel line to already exist line !!

Yeah, that is right I know.
But I asked about feature like drag and drop smile

Thanks for your help.