Topic: Can Graph use date/times for an axis?
I have another application I was considering, thus this new thread...
I have a bunch of pure text data from my solar panels, one file per day, and they look like:
Version CSV1|Tool SE|Linebreaks CR/LF|Delimiter semicolon|Decimalpoint dot|Precision 3
;SN: 1234;SN: 1234
;Unknown device;Unknown device
;Total yield;Power
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm tt;kWh;kW
2010-09-03 06:45 AM;32.657;0.000
2010-09-03 06:50 AM;32.657;0.000
2010-09-03 06:55 AM;32.657;0.000
2010-09-03 07:00 AM;32.660;0.036
2010-09-03 07:05 AM;32.667;0.084
It would be neat if I could concatenate all the files together (possibly leaving out the headers) and graph them, so I'd have a bunch of scallop-shaped traces. Each line has the date/time, kWh cumulative, and the current kW output (as you can see from the line immediately before the data). Then I'd want to zoom into specific areas.
The problem is that Graph probably wants the X coordinates want to be pure numbers, whereas this application wants date/times for the X axis.
Does Graph have any capability to do this? If not, would you consider adding it?
I have no control over what the inverter writes, but of course I can write a tool to go between this data and whatever Graph would want.