Topic: Help me translate this into what graph understands

Hey guys. I'm in a bit of a hurry here - I'm working on my math exam and I need the aid of Graph, but I'm having a hard time typing the f(x) so it's right. It's my first time using graph, so I'm sorry to ask this question, because it's proberbly really simple.

f(x)= -4,293 * 10^-3 x^4 – 4,386 * 10^-3 x^3 – 3,790 * 10^-3 x^2 + 0,9784 + 3,468

Here's pictures of how it's supposed to look, and how it ended up looking in graph

btw, when there's no space between the numbers and the - it's because it's negative..

Thanks in advance, and sorry for wasting your time :)

Re: Help me translate this into what graph understands

There are several things:

  1. Graph always uses a period (.) as decimals separator instead of comma.

  2. If I copy the function as written, it contains two types of minus (- and –) but Graph only supports the first, which is the one found on your keyboard.

  3. Graph will interpret -4,293 * 10^-3 x^4 as -4,293*10^(-3x^4) which of course is not what you want. You need to add a * to avoid that: -4,293 * 10^-3 * x^4

  4. You probably wanted 0,9784 to be 0,9784x

So we end up with this:

f(x) = -4.293 * 10^-3*x^4 - 4.386 * 10^-3 * x^3 - 3.790 * 10^-3 * x^2 + 0.9784x + 3.468

Alternatively you can write it like this, which uses another way to write scientific numbers:

f(x) = -4.293E-3*x^4 - 4.386E-3 * x^3 - 3.790E-3 * x^2 + 0.9784x + 3.468

Re: Help me translate this into what graph understands

Thank you so much :]