Topic: multiple axis

Dear all
there is a way to plot graphs on multiple axis?
In particular my problem is to plot a time of flight spectrum (as function of time) also as function of mass
after the appropriate conversion (m= ((t-t0)/A)^2) from time to mass keeping both x-axes (time and mass)

Re: multiple axis

Unfortunately I am not sure I undestand what it is you want. Do you want two sets of labels on the x-axis? That is not directly supported, but you can manually add text labels with any value you want.

Re: multiple axis

I will try to be more clear.
I have a data set where x corresponds to the time coordinate and y is the corresponding intensity
so that I have a plot as function of the arrival time.
But the time of arrival t can be transformed in mass m as
m= ((t-t0)/A)^2
Knowing the constants t0 and A (which I can determine after calibration), I can get y as function of m
What I would like to do is to have the in the same graph the intensities plotted vs time (linear scale let say in the bottom x axis) and vs mass (quadratic scale let say in the top x axis).
Thank you for your kind attention

Re: multiple axis

It still sounds like your best choice is to use text labels. You could maybe use a horizontal function to look like the second axis and place text labels near it.