Topic: Improved Mac Bundle

The Graph Mac bundle found found at has been improved. Labels, shadings and relations now seems to be working. However the bundle contains a beta version of Graph, which means that it has not been fully tested and some minor bugs in Graph is to be expected.

Re: Improved Mac Bundle

I have problems when I want to draw points in the coordinate system. I can not move to the OK button.
You see this in the pictures i send you doc document. I used graph 5 years and i never have a problem.It is very good programs for prymary school where i am teaching. I have a new version of the graph.
I need your suport. Thank you so much.
LP Suzana

Post's attachments

Attachment icon graph težave.docx 102.84 kb, 1101 downloads since 2019-04-17 

Re: Improved Mac Bundle

I can see the problem. It looks like the dialog is bigger than normal. Either Windows has been configured for large fonts or Font scale in the Edit|Options dialog is larger than 100%. You can try making sure both settings are set to 100%.

Re: Improved Mac Bundle

If you want to keep the Windows setting set to large fonts, you can lower the Font scale in Graph to a value lower than 100%, e.g. 75%.

Re: Improved Mac Bundle

I'm waiting for Graph on Android...

Re: Improved Mac Bundle

I really like Graph but now I have changed to Android and can't use it. So are you planning to switch to Android?