Topic: Forum feeds

How to use forum feeds

If you don't want to visit the forum constantly, you can use RSS/ATOM feeds to monitor the forum for new topics and replies.

When you visit the forum, you may notice that the feed icon RSS icon is shown in your browser. When you click on the icon you can choose between the RSS feed and ATOM feed. These are just two standards and the difference is minimal.

There are three types of feeds. If you are at the index when selecting the feed, you will get a feed for all the forums. If you are in a specific forum, you will only get a feed for this forum. If you are reading a topic, you will get a feed for this specific topic and its replies.

When you have clicked on the feed icon, you will be shown the feed page where you can choose to subscribe to the feed, so new posts are shown in your browser.

Other programs can also use the feeds. For example in Mozilla Thunderbird you can choose RSS News & Blogs when creating a new account. Afterwards you can add feed subscriptions to the account. Here you need the feed URL, which is the URL to the feed page mentioned previously. The URL can be copied from your browser. It looks something like this: … p;type=rss

This will make Thunderbird show forum posts in the same way as emails. The default is to show the posts as a web page. When adding the URL you can instead choose to show the content of each post instead of the whole web page.

There are a lot of other programs that can subscribe to RSS/ATOM feeds to notify you when something is happening on the forum.

Best regards
Ivan Johansen

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