Topic: Flag of the United States

Hi All,

Here is an example that shows a practical application of Graph.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon flag_of_the_united_states.grf 9.97 kb, 1564 downloads since 2011-09-13 

Re: Flag of the United States

Good job! And useful benchmark test, too. It took 1+1/2 hour to get the flag complete. Now I know exactly how it looks. Thanks! smile

Re: Flag of the United States

Hi pin,

Did you run a beta version of Graph 4.4?

Graph 4.3 took 3 minutes and 26 seconds to complete the work on my laptop
with Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 CPU @ 2.26GHz, 4GB RAM and Vista 32-bit.

Re: Flag of the United States

Hi benice,

you've hit the nail on the head, I always play with the latest beta. But now, using Graph 4.3, all the plotting was done in less then 2 minutes. I was aware that beta versions had surplus of debug code, but I wouldn't  expect such dramatic impact to processing speed. Good to know.
Have a nice time!

5 (edited by rohanku23 2011-12-19 09:21:33)

Re: Flag of the United States

Great post! Every nation has a flag. Like this united states also has a flag. It is beautiful. I like it.