Topic: Rotational Symmetry of Order 4

Rotational Symmetry of Order 4 in a nxn Grid of Random Shaded Squares
(Graph version: 4.4.2)

(1) n is even

(2) n is odd


Post's attachments

Attachment icon (1) n is even.grf 38.55 kb, 18517 downloads since 2017-12-12 

Attachment icon (2) n is odd.grf 31.21 kb, 718 downloads since 2017-12-12 

Re: Rotational Symmetry of Order 4

(3) n is even (Non-Reflectional Symmetry)

(4) n is odd (Non-Reflectional Symmetry)


Post's attachments

Attachment icon (3) n is even (Non-Reflectional Symmetry).grf 38.99 kb, 688 downloads since 2017-12-12 

Attachment icon (4) n is odd (Non-Reflectional Symmetry).grf 31.48 kb, 677 downloads since 2017-12-12